Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A little about Our Church

At Friendship we are about “CONNECTION”.  Our goal and aim is to help people
 through four basic and essential connections.

Friendship’s Four Points of Connection

  • Connecting with God – “Plugging in”
At Friendship, we believe the most important thing anyone can do is to connect with 
God, who loves us more than we can ever understand.  This first level of connection 
encourages people to connect with God through accepting Christ as their Lord and 
Savior and by joining the fellowship of believers in His church.

  • Connecting with Others – “Progressing Forward”
Once someone has connected with God and is plugged into the church, we believe
 that the next level of connection is that of learning and growing alongside other 
believers.  This occurs in Bible Fellowship Group, Disciple YOUniversity class, 
or any of the other discipleship opportunities provided here at Friendship.

  • Connecting Through Serving – “Putting Back” 
As Jesus was first and foremost, a servant, we honor and praise Him as we engage
 in serving others.  Finding your niche for service is important for all believers and
 is the third level of connection. At Friendship, many opportunities exist for service.

  • Connecting with the World – “Prioritizing Purpose”
The fourth level of connection takes our love for the Lord outside the walls.  
At Friendship, we believe that we best serve the Gospel and the love of God by 
equipping our members to engage the world in love, service, and ministry. 
 While we are concerned for the world and the things occurring in it, we know
 that “God so loved the world”, sending Jesus to restore fellowship between Himself and mankind.

Give our Church Website a Look, and feel free to visit us  during service ANYTIME, we would love to have you!

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